Boxis AutoShred 150-Sheet Autofeed Microcut Shredder


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A Revolution in Productivity

This innovative auto feeding mechanism grabs documents one at a time and shreds them into unreadable microcut particles. It will continue to shred each document until your stack is gone. Stylish looks and reliable performance is ideal for home or small office.

Auto Feed Mode

Drop in a stack of 150 sheets into the Auto-Feed tray and watch the shredder tear through your shred job at 9.2 feet per minute! It will run for 20 minutes continuously before needing a cool down period.

Manual Feed Mode

Convenient manual feed throat for destroying up to 8 sheets or credit cards.

Shreds Credit Cards

Shred your credit cards into virtually unreadable particles.

MICROCUT Advantage

Compared to the average crosscut paper shredder which renders a standard letter sized paper into 300 to 400 particles, this microcut shredder will turn the same document into 1,200 to 1,500 virtually unreadable particles! These higher security micro particles will fill up your waste bin more efficiently which means you empty less often!

SKU: AF150A Category:

